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An analysis on the use of adjective formation in charles dicken' a christmas carol

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Nieken Hartawanti - Dr.D.Wagiman Adisoterisno, M.A - Drs.0bat Mikael Depari -

The character analysis of the tragic hero in sophocles's antigone

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Wawan Setiadi -

An analysis of macbeth's behaviour in william shakespeare's macbeth

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko,M.Hum - Robinson -

Analysis on family tragedy in o'neill's desire under the elms

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Rr.Arielia Yustisiana -

Scarlett's love obsession and her character development in Margaret Mitchell's gone with the wind

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Elvie Arias Yunita -

The Causes and effects of Amanda's authoritarianism as a moral teaching : A Case study of the main character in the glass menagerie

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Budhi Santoso -

A Study onsir Robert chiltren's ambitions to be a perfect man in 0scar Wilde's an ideal husband

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Sri Rahayu -

Conflict on John Steinbeck's Tortilla flat : A Study of the main character

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Anna Ari Purnasari -

The Analysis of love : Theme on Jane Austen of persuasion

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Anis Purbawatik -

Psychological conflict analysisi of emma bovary on gustave flaubert;s madame bovary

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Dyah Ayu Proborini -

A Study on style in the William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Charles Dickens' 0liver Twist

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Benedicta Claudette Louhenapessy -

The Analysis of the use of imagery and symbol as the represantation of another meaning of death through some of christina rosetti's poems

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Anna Elizabeth Kasmiati -

A Study of historical background in stephen crane's the red badge of courage

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Christina Juliati -

An Analysis of symbol in John Steibeck's the pearl

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Dwi Ihtiani -

Love and War as theme on ernest hemingway's a farewell to arms

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Anik Farisari -

The Analysis of Anne's love and suffering in Jane Austen's persuasion

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Lusy Yuniastuti -

The Analysis of Anne's love suffering in Jane Austen's persuasion.

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Lusy Yuniastuti -

The family's influences on the main character's life in charles dicken's david copperfield

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Indah Eka Yanawati -

The Character study on the main characters in charles dicken's nicholas nickleby

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Utami Wijayanti -

A Study on 0scar wilde's moral message through the character in comedy of manner a woman of no importance

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Lenny Wijayanti -

A Studi of mental conflict and human development on the main character in the red badge of courage

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Anin Susilowati -

The influences of emotion on goneril's psychology in shakespeare;s king lear

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Tintin Susilowati -

The causes and the effects of Dr. Stockmann's discovery in an enemy of the people

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Supriyatun -

Analysis of social conflict on the main character in the wild duck

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Lusy Shintari -

Analysis of social conflict on the main character in the wild duck

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Lusy Shintari -

The analysis of motivations of the joads' ambition on john steinbeck's the grapes of wrath

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Titik Purwaningsih -

The moral values of constance of lady chatterley's lover written by D.H.Lawrence

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Meilani Ningtyastuti -

An analysis of social conflict on arthur miller's "the crucible"

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Nanik Pudji Lestari -

The Changes of chance's behavior as the television's influence in jerzy kosinski's being there

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Yayuk Winarni -

An Analysis on jake bernes; bad effects of personality in the sun also rises

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Yustina Aromeda -

The Analysis of the moral value as the theme on the william wordsworth's four poems

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Septi Setya Yudawati -

An analysis of paul's hypocrisy in D.H. Lawrence's sons and lovers

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Joko Suprayono -

The reflection of women's emancipation in nineteenth century on alfred lord tennyson's "The Princess"

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Diana Sulistyarini -

The Analysis of tragic element on emily dickinsons's poems

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Drs.Ignatius Adisubowo - Retna Wahyuning Pertiwi -

An Analysis of theme by approach of nora's character and motivation in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Fransiscus Jorzolino Miger -

The Analysis of Tom Sawyer's behaviour in Mark Twain's the adventures of Tom Sawyer as the representation of typical behaviour of childhood

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Zevanya Johanton -

The Comparison of the main characters psychological conflict on John Steinbeck;s burning bright and the pearl

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Wahyu Triastutik Indraswari -

The Love and Death in William Shakespear's 0thello, the Moor 0f Venice

Pengarang : Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Yohanes Benny Wahyu Hutomo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana,M.S - Drs.Ign.Adi Subowo -

The comparison of romanticism of romantic poets : words worth in daffodils, coleridge in kubla khan and keats in ode to a nightingale

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Fransisca Hastanti -

An analysis of the social critisms in john steinbeck's of mice and men

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Theresia Chrismy Hartuti - Drs.Ignatius Adisubowo -

The Influence of sigmund freud's psychoanalysis on the characterization of henrik ibsen's a doll's house

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - S.Ch.Tri Yuniarti -

The Analysis on heroism of brutus in julius caesar

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Soegeng Winarno -

The use english loan words in the indonesian language ( A descriptive study on Jawa Pos of may 1997 )

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Ening Widayati - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko -

A Study on eliza's motivation and ambition in george bernard shaw's pygmalion

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Ary Widyawati -

An Analysis of effects of parental values on children in Arthur Miller's Death 0f A Salesman

Pengarang : Drs. Obat Mikael D - Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Made Santih Suwastuti -

An analysis on the values of revenge in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Dewi Setianingrum -

The study of romanticism of Duke 0rsino in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Yustinus Suryanto -
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