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The analysis of english term and symbol in internet chatting

Pengarang : Drs. Obat Mikael D - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko,M.Hum - Sugerng Hariyadi -

The analysis of figures of speech in avon's headlines

Pengarang : Drs. Obat Mikael D - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Senda Rama Yumanti -

An analysis of the use of code switching in "Profil" column of nova neswpaper

Pengarang : Drs. Obat Mikael D - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Dr.D.Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Yuliana -

The analysis of grafitti writeen on university's tables and lavatories

Pengarang : Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Retno Palupi - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko,M.Hum -

The Analysis of javanese kromo and ngoko levels of Madiun teenagers

Pengarang : Drs. Obat Mikael D - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Deasy Mariyana -

The Analysis of Manggarais' slang in Madiun

Pengarang : Drs. 0bat Mikael D - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Valensius Fardi -

Analysis on the use of code switching in "surat pembaca" column of kawanku magazine

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.A.Ngadiman,M.Pd - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Sri Endang Puryani -

An Analysis of javanese slang a case study of javanese slang of youngster in desa sendang gayam madiun

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.A.Ngadiman,M.Pd - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Arri Kurniawan -

An Analysis of the using of register in sri jaya bird market rejomulyo madiun

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs. Ngadiman, M.Pd - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Yuli Widiana, S.S - Edo Hartono -

The Analysisi of javanese speech level

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Dr..A.Ngadiman, M.Pd - Fransisca Florentina Fenny Widyanti -

The Degree of capability in english - indonesian translation ( a case study on the students of SMU and SMK St. Bonaventura Madiun )

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.A.Ngadiman,M.Pd - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Lilis Kadarwati -

The Changes of chance's behavior as the television's influence in jerzy kosinski's being there

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Yayuk Winarni -

The linguistic unit of discourse in pojok section jawa pos of october 1997

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.A.Ngadiman,M.Pd - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Sri Widyawati -

An analysis of paul's hypocrisy in D.H. Lawrence's sons and lovers

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Joko Suprayono -

The reflection of women's emancipation in nineteenth century on alfred lord tennyson's "The Princess"

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Diana Sulistyarini -

An analysis on javanesse swearword language in Ngawi

Pengarang : Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.A.Ngadiman,M.Pd - Drs.Dwi Setiyadi - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Suciati -

The proficiency on english agreement of the 6 th year students of "SANTO YUSUF" elementary school of Madiun

Pengarang : Drs. 0bat Mikael D - Dr. D. Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Dr..A.Ngadiman, M.Pd - Titiek Setyowati -

The Analysis of tragic element on emily dickinsons's poems

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Drs.Ignatius Adisubowo - Retna Wahyuning Pertiwi -

An Analysis of theme by approach of nora's character and motivation in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Fransiscus Jorzolino Miger -

Process of Nurture of advertisement on children

Pengarang : Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Dr.D.Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A - Pery Dwi Lestari - Dr.A.Ngadiman, M.Pd -

The Analysis of Tom Sawyer's behaviour in Mark Twain's the adventures of Tom Sawyer as the representation of typical behaviour of childhood

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Zevanya Johanton -

The Comparison of the main characters psychological conflict on John Steinbeck;s burning bright and the pearl

Pengarang : Drs.Ign. Adisubowo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Wahyu Triastutik Indraswari -

The Love and Death in William Shakespear's 0thello, the Moor 0f Venice

Pengarang : Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko - Yohanes Benny Wahyu Hutomo - Drs.Joseph Supardjana,M.S - Drs.Ign.Adi Subowo -

A Study of figure of speech of football game terminology ( A Descriptive Study 0n Bola 0f 0ctober 1997 )

Pengarang : Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Ety Rachma Herawati - Dr..A.Ngadiman, M.Pd - Yuli Widiana, S.S - Dr.D.Wagiman Adisoetrisno,M.A -

An analysis on criticism of political powers as the theme in Gulliver's Travels

Pengarang : Drs.Yosep Suparjana, M.S - Eko Budi Setiawan, SS - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Sri Andriyani -

The use english loan words in the indonesian language ( A descriptive study on Jawa Pos of may 1997 )

Pengarang : Drs.Joseph Supardjana, M.S. - Ening Widayati - Drs.Yulius Harry Widodo - Drs.Dwi Aji Prajoko -