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Jurnal Widya Warta no. 02 tahun XXVI Juli 2003

Pengarang : Eko Budi Setiawan - Agnes Adhani - Bernadus Widodo - Veronika Agustini Srimulyani - Agus Purwanto - Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo - Haris Wibisono - A.M. Sugiat Susilohadi - Lukas Susanto - A. Tommy Hendrawan - F. Gatot Iman Santoso - H. Sri Sulistyanto - Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo - Andrinus Sugeng - Erlina Aryani - Hari Soeseno Hardjoloekito -

A Study on the rendering of taboo terms in candace bushnell's sex and the city

Pengarang : Drs. 0bat Mikael Depari - Eko Budi Setiawan, S.S - Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Theresia Surya Dinata -

Absurdity : An analysis on waiting for godot, a symbolical, play by Samuel Beckett

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Rogi Eko Feriandik -

The Death of president Abraham Lincoln in Walt Whitman' "When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd"

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Sarwo Wibowo -

The analysis of the cause and effect of the tragic life in mannon'/s family eugene o'/neill'/s mourning becomes electra

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Irma Mawati -

Tragedi in Ernest Hemingway's Island in The Stream

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Retno Kurniasari -

An Analysis of social conflicts in Agatha Christie's Hallowe'en Party

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Tri Muji Astuti -

An Analysis of Character and Motivation as theme on Arthur Miller's a view from the bridge

Pengarang : Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum - Khrisna Setyo Wardani -

An Analysis of ambition and its influence on main character'/s life in Jules Verne's "Around The World in Eighty Days".

Pengarang : Amanda Christiane Utama - Eko Budi Setiawan, S.S - Yohanes Febrianto Siswanto Utomo, S.S - Drs. Dwi Aji Prajoko, M.Hum -