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Perbandingan pembelajaran konvensional dan pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap titik jenuh siswa maupun hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika

This research aims to determine: (1) which has the lower is students saturation degree between conventional learning and problem based learning with learning mathematics. (2) which has the higher is students learning achievement between conventional learning and problem based learning with learning mathematics.
This research is a quantitative research with pre-experintal design. This research was conducted of SMP N Madiun in academic year 2013/2014 in odd semester. The population was the students of class VIII at SMPN 4 Madiun. While the samples for the research were class VIII D and VIII E. Class VIII D applied problem based learning and class VIII E applied conventional learning. The samples were chosen from the school the same ability achievement. The research applied test methods and questionnaire methods for the data collection. The instrument used in this research is used to learn mathematics achievement test and questionnaire for the students saturation to mathematics learning. Learning achievement test is used to determine the learning achievement in mathematics. Before learning achievement test is used it must be validaled and tested to determine its reliability. While the questionnaire for the degree of students saturation in learning mathematics is used to determine students saturation degree in learning mathematics it must be validaled and tested to find out the internal consistency and reliability saturation.

Vigih Hery Kristanto, M.Pd
Eka Nella Kresma - Personal Name
2014 Mat Kre p
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun
xvi,295p;bibl;30 cm