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Penokohan, alur, latar, tema, amanat, dan nilai budaya dalam novel KAU, aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah karya Tere Liye

The research by title the characterizations, plot, setting, theme, mandate, and cultural values in the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah written by Tere Liye, aims to identify and explanin the characterizations, plot, setting, theme, mandate, and cultural values in the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah written by Tere Liye. This study used qualitative descriptive approach. Besed on the descriptive data in the form of sentences and paragraphs that support aspects inspected. The author describes the character with expository and dramatic technique. Then main character is Borno, he is simple guy, very kind, never give up and also hardworking, mean while, the other characters are Mei, Borno
mother, Old man, Mr. Togar, and Andi. It used progressive plot,background place involves three aspects, a place in the city of Pontianak. First setting of place for intstance the river of Kapuas, harbor, rubber factories, Kadariah palace, docks, and the city of Surabaya. Second is setting of tme, it happened in the year of 2003, and the lastone is setting os social life, it happened in middle to lowa secial class and also in middle to up class. The major theme of this novel is about falling in love for the first sight and they pace all, of the abstacles in front them meanwhile there are some minor theme in this novel, first a stuggle of a son to achieve his dream, and an understanding of life in society, they respect each other even tney are some from defferent race. There are some conclusions wchich is done by the researcher, first, we should realize that foget aour bestfiend. Third, don’t ever feel
sad juts because of love. Fourth never give up to catch our dream. The value of cultrure, that is, first, kurung clothes or costume. Second, angpau, thirtd, the history of some vaces in Pontianak. And the lost one is sepit tradition contest.
Reni Kartini Ekaristi - Personal Name
2014 Ind Eka p
PBSI-Unika Widya Mandala Madiun
xiv,91p;bibl;30 cm