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Analisis pengaruh pengukuran kinerja keuangan dengan pendekatan tradisional (ROA) dan Economic VAlue Added ( EVA ) terhadap return saham pada perusahaan non keuangan yang listing di BEI

Competitive rivalry in the business environment requires companies to compete in a benefit for the welfare of the company. However, the achievement of corporate profits and capital estimated that less well able to weaken the financial performance of companies that have an impact on stock return.
This research aims to test the influence of financial performance measurement with the traditional approach (ROA) and Economic Value Added (EVA) of the return on the company's shares on the Indonesia stock exchange. The population in this research is a company registered in the non financial Securities Indonesia period of 2012-2013 with purposive sampling technique. Technique of data analysis in this research include a classic assumption test, linear regression analysis, hypothesis test and determinant of the coefficients by using the Statistical Product and Service Solution version 21 (SPSS 21).
The t-test analysis results, it can be concluded that ROA in 2012-2013 to return stock, while the EVA in the period 2012-2013 does not affect the return of shares. For investors and potential investors who will invest and predict stock returns in the Indonesia Stock Exchange get use EVA and ROA to important indicator in evaluating the company's profit growth before investing . By using EVA and ROA investors will know the companies that have a high income and be able to provide optimal returns to shareholders .

Candra Ayu Prasetyo - Personal Name
2015 Man Pra a
FE- Manajemen Unika Widya Mandala Madiun
xv,61p;bibl; 30 cm