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Analisis tema, amanat, alur, penokohan dan latar dalam novel di bawah lintasan pelangi karya Saban Dji Castro

The aim of the research is to analyze the theme, message, plot, characterization, and setting entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi by Saban Dji Castro. Descriptive qualitative method is applied as the method of the research. The data in the research are sentences and paragraphs which support the aspects of the research, that is theme, message, plot, characterization, and setting in the novel. The results of the research: (1) The major theme novel entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi written by Dji Castro is the determination and the patience to obtain the true love. The minor themes in entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi written by Dji Castro are the disharmony between parents and kid, envy, and the
sruggle to build relationship in the household. (2) The messages in entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi written by Dji Castro which are conveyed by the writer are the struggle to obtain the true love, the resoluteness to confront the trials of life, and the truth becomes the direction of orientation for life. (3) The plot entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi by Saban Dji Castro follows the uncronological plot. It said uncronological because in beginning of the story in the novel had happened which like the effect. The story begins the step emergence
conflict, rising conflict, climax, and resolution. (4) The characterization in entitled Di Bawah Lintasan Pelangi written by Dji Castro is illustrated by using
expository and dramatic technique. The main character is Amara, whereas the supporting characters are Yunita, Kuncoro, Mbok Suminten, Yoko, Pak Man, Pak
Lurah, Lastri, Kepala Sekolah, Mbak Darsih, Bu Lurah, Mbah Saring, and Kusnadi.(5) The setting is located in Wanatirta village, namely in the Mbok Suminten’s house, Pak Lurah’s house, SD Wanatirta, volleyball field, village office, Telaga Biru, and Mbah Saring’s house. The setting of time about im 1990 until 2013. The social background had happened in the low education society and the low class society.
Urbanus Herbagus 0ke - Personal Name
2014 Ind 0ke a
FIP Unika Widya Mandala
xiii,94p;bibl;30 cm