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An analysisi of argot related to drug addict in the lyrics of snoop dogg's rap songs

This study discusses argot. It focuses on the meanings and the purposes of argot related to drug addict found in the lyrics of Snoop Dogg’s rap songs. Argot is one of secret languages which is classified as varieties of language in sociolinguistics. The terms belonging to argots of drug addict presented in songs are the real phenomenon which was experienced by the singer. This research is descriptive in nature. It was conducted through the following steps: collecting, classifying, and analyzing the data. The data were obtained from the lyrics of Snoop Dogg’s rap songs. The unit of analysis of this research is all of the lyrics containing argot. To get the sample, this research applied total sampling. Hence, all the data were analyzed one by one. To describe the kinds of argot, this research applied pragmatic equivalent method. Based on their kinds, the terms of argot which is related to drug addict are divided into three categories, namely kinds of drugs, activities of drug addict, and effect of drugs. In this case, argot which is related to kinds of drugs was the highest frequency in use, while effect of drugs was the lowest. Furthermore, based on the purposes of their use, argot is categorized to show identity, to show pleasure, to keep secret, and to describe criminal act. Argot which shows identity, to keep secret, and to describe criminal act were the most used. Meanwhile, argot which is related to show pleasure was the lowest.
Evipania Yulianti Ester - Personal Name
2015 Eng Est a
Unika Widya Mandala Fak.Sastra
x,56p;bibl; 30 cm