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Perancangan ulang cating elektrik dengan upaya peningkatan waktu proses pada industri batik (Studi kasus du UMKM Batik Rejokeningar Winongo Madiun)

The company's success in achieving the goals determined by various factors, one of which the most important is the comfort level of work and the level of efficiency of employee time, especially in the industry was Batik. UMKM Batik Rejokeningar Sogaten, Madiun Batik is a home-based company engaged in the business of manufacturing with small production scale. From the research conducted, there are problems in terms of canting tool used less support and less comfortable when used. From this statement it can be said UMKM Batik production Rejokeningar Sogaten, Madiun less than optimal, because the issue involves the comfort level and the level of efficiency of employee time or batik.
To optimize the production of batik UMKM Rejokeningar together, then redesign the product canting electric can overcome time efficiency and comfort level at the UMKM Batik Rejokeningar Sogaten, Madiun. Canting of the problems on manual and electric canting is used, then comes a plan for the design of products canting electrically (redesign). By comparing the results of the plan redesign canting canting electrically with electric used in batik UMKM Rejokeningar Sogaten, Madiun, it can be seen how influential the level of comfort and time efficiency rate of batik.
From the calculations, the rate of labor productivity in UMKM Batik batik Rejokeningar Sogaten, Madiun changed from 07.27 Minutes / Product became 05.26 Minutes / Products with a gap of 02.02 minutes. To minimize problems on the comfort level and the level of efficiency while Batik UMKM Rejokeningar, Madison suggested switching canting and canting electrically using the design.

2015 Ti Her p
2015 Ti Her p
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun