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Perencanaan line balancing sistem produksi penjepit tikus dengan metode killbridge Wester Heuristic di perusahaan logam asir Tulungagung

Logam Asir Tulungagung industry is an industry in the class of home industry which concerns on the field of iron waste of plate to used as the production namely mousetrap. In the process of producing the mousetrap, there is the work station which cannot work optimally, where there are hoarding materials on the work station of painting, the delay in delivering of materials at the work station of assembling, as well the excess capacity at the work station of forming.
This research benefits to increase the productivity of the industry by line balancing with the aim of: 1) Calculating the delay time on the line balancing of the running. 2) Calculating the efficiency of the time from the line balancing of the on the production process of mousetrap. 3) Calculating the delay time on the line balancing of the new on the production process of mousetrap. 4) Calculating the efficiency of the time of the new line balancing on the production process of mousetrap. 5) Calculating the result between the line balancing which is running and the new line balancing.

Stanislaus Aris Siswanto - Personal Name
2015 Ti Sis p
2015 Ti Sis p
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun