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Penokohan, Alur, Latar, Tema, Amanat, dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Novel Dua Ibu Karya Aswendo Atmowiloto

This study aims to identify and explain the characterizations, plot, setting, theme,mandate, and character education valueof the novel Dua Ibu written by Arswendo Atmowiloto. The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach. The main character is Ibu dan Mamid (Aku). Ibu is described as a mother who is kind, patient and warm hearted.While, mamid is a young boy who is spoiled, charitable and coward. The additional characters are Tante Mirah, Ayah, Jamil, Solemah, Mujanah, Ratsih, Adam, Agus, dan Untung Subarkah. The plotthat is used was flashback (regressive), while based on the plot number (quantitative), the plot that is used is single plot which focuses on Ibu as the hero or the main character of the story. Based on qualitative plot, it is used solid plot.The background involves three aspects, namely place in Solo occurred in a house, Sriwedari park, Balapan station, Legi traditional market, and Sangkrah station. While in Jakarta, the story happened in a house and Lembang Park. The story also took palce on Surabaya, Semarang and Malang. The background relating to time occur in about 1960, while the social setting occurs in low society. Major theme in this novel is the struggle of a woman who have role as a mother for two different children, her own child and her fosted child. The minor themes are( 1 ) patience ( 2 ) love (3) struggle, and(4) a sacrifice of a mother who grew up and educated her children. Mandate, namely ( 1 ) never neglect a struggle and sacrifice of a mother( 2) always do good ( 3 ) be patient in facing our life problem, and ( 4 ) work hard if we want to get something. Character education value are (1) social value, (2) religious value, (3) hard work value, (4) creative value, and (5)independent value.
Petrosa Eseng
Petrosa Eseng - Personal Name
Drs.FX.Suwardo,M.Pd - Personal Name
Dra.Rustiati.M.Hum - Personal Name
2016 Ind Ese p