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Pengaruh Keterbukaan Diri Siswa dan Kemampuan Beradaptasi Terhadap Penerimaan Sosial Teman Sebaya

Self-disclosure can affect the social acceptance of a teenager peers. The existence of self-disclosure by teenagers, assist in understanding others and act wisely in relationships with others. In addition to self-disclosure, adaptability also affects the social acceptance of peers, because the social acceptance of peers do not come by itself, a teenager who has the ability to adapt positively it will be easy to establish social acceptance of peers itself.
This study aims to determine the effect of self-disclosure and the ability to adapt to the social acceptance of peers. The sample in this study is a class XI student of SMK PGRI Wonoasri Caruban academic year 2015/2016 the number of 114 students. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling author. Data obtained using the questionnaire method in the form of a scale that is self-disclosure scale, scale adaptability, scale social acceptance of peers.
In this study, the authors propose three hypotheses: 1) The first minor hypothesis that says: there is the effect of self-disclosure to the social acceptance of peers. 2) The second minor hypothesis which says: there are significant adaptability to social acceptance of peers. 3) reads major hypothesis: there is the influence of self-disclosure and the ability beradabtasi towards social acceptance of peers.
Based on the results of multiple regression analysis can be summarized as follows: 1) due to hit t> t table = 3.824> 1.98, then the first minor hypothesis is accepted. 2) because t hit 1.364 the major hypothesis is accepted.

Agus Susilo
Agus Susilo - Personal Name
2016 Bim Sus p
Bimbingan Konseling Wima Madiun
xvi,142p;30 cm