Detail Cantuman Kembali


Analisis Bentuk, Kategori, dan Makna Kosakata Kuliner Masyarakat Madiun

This study analyzed the vocabulary, forms, classes, and meaning of culinary used by people in Madiun. Culinary vocabulary are found on the menu and the conversation that are used in shops, restaurants, cafe, catering, traditional market, mall, and angkringan. Most of the culinary vocabulary are derived from the region and foreign language which are used by people in Madiun so that it is interested to be discussed. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data was all of the culinary vocabulary found on the menu and the conversation which is occured in supermarkets, shops, traditional markets, restaurants, cafes, and angkringan. The result of the analysis shows that there are a lot of variation of the vocabulary culinary, forms, classes, and meaning. The process of forming word through adaptation, adoption, original, mix, translation, and acronyms. Most of the culinary vocabulary are derived from region and foreign languages, such as Javanese, Chinese, English, Dutch, Italian, Hindi, Japanese, Tamil, French, Arabic, Korean, Sundanese, a language Minangkabau, the Spanish language, the language of Bali, Betawi, Latin, Manado, Palembang language, Persian, and Portuguese. The forms of word are complex word, simple word, repetition word, compound repetition word and affix word. The word classes is only a noun since all of the culinary vocabulary are food and beverage vocabulary. The meaning of words are lexical and denotative meaning. Lexical meaning explain the meaning based on the real life. While, denotative meaning describe the literal meaning objectively.
Defie Apriliana Permata Sari
Defie Apriliana Permata Sari - Personal Name
Dra.Agnes Adhani,M.Hum - Personal Name
Dra.Rustiati.M.Hum - Personal Name
2016 Ind Sar a
2016 Ind Sar a
xiv,163p;30 cm