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Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

The purposed of this research is to find out the influence of organizational climate and work motivation on job performance of employees. the methods used in this study is quantitative.
These samples included 60 subject that have been determined using a purposive sampling technique with criteria: 1) security employees, 2) office boy employees, 3) cleaning service employees. Job performance scale’s contained 46 items, work motivation scale contained 33 items, and organizational climate scale’s contained 30 items. The technique of data analyzing is used by scoring, data analysis, the hypothetical test consisting by test for normality, test of linearity, and multiple linear regression test. The program that used in the processing of the data is SPSS 17.0 for windows.
Results of this research (including data analyzed) showed there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational climate and work motivation on job perfomance employees.
Keywords: Job Performance, Organizational Climate, Work Motivation
Kenno Tri Pargo - Personal Name
Herdina Tyas Leylasari - Personal Name
B Daniswara - Personal Name
2016 Psi Par p
2016 Psi Par p
Fakultas Psikologi Unika Widya Mandala Madiun
xvi,92,30 cm