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Pengaruh Refleksi Terhadap Perilaku Mencontek

The purpose of this reseacrh in find out the influence of group discussion method
of reflection on self-evaluation students wiht cheat because of their anxiety in
vocational students of Gula Rajawali Madiun. The subjects are six students with
high levels of anxiety. The method used in this research is using focus group
discussions, combined with written reflections or expressive writing and the
anxiety scale Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The result of writing is assessed by
using a scoring guide that corresponds to the expressive aspect of writing, while
the Beck Anxiety Inventory scale is calculated using a scale categorization given
to the subject before and after the Middle Semester Exam using different test
paired samples test. The result has shown reflection group discussion method is
albe to increase self-evaluation on students that with cheated because of anxiety. It
was evidenced by the increase in writing scores before and after the test subject,
and there are differences in scale scores the Beck Anxiety Inventory between
before and after the test. Different test using paired t test results a score of 0,016 <
0,05 so it is concluded that there are differences in anxiety scores between
students that with cheated on before and after.
Ratna Dwi Wahyuningsih - Personal Name
2016 Psi Wah p
2016 Psi Wah p
Fakultas Psikologi Unika Widya Mandala Madiun
xvii,81,30 cm