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Pengaruh Perhatian Orang Tua dan Aktualitas Diri TErhadap Kemandirian Belajar Siswa

Independent learning of a child can push it to success, whereas in fact often found that students learning independence have ups and downs. Independence of student learning is
influenced by several internal and external factors. In this study, researchers examined the limit for one internal factor is self-actualization, and external factors is parental concern.
The provision of parental affection is genuine and will be forced to taste with very different, if the affection and genuine concern that the child will not feel heavy and unwilling to accept and will affect the growth of children. Attainment of self-actualization becomes mature individual to be able to develop independent learning in academic high, thus making the
individual more motivated in exploring all the knowledge gained. This study aims to determine the effect of parental concern towards independence and self-actualization of student learning. The population in this study were students of class X and class XI SMAN 4 Madiun school year 2012-2013. Sampling techniques used are random cluster sampling. Data obtained using the questionnaire method shaped scales that parental concern scale, the scale of self-actualization, and the scale of learning independence. In this study the authors propose three hypotheses: 1) Attention parents influence on student learning independence, 2) Self-actualization effect on student learning independence, 3) Attention parents and self-actualization effect on student learning independence.
Nofi Susanti
Nofi Susanti - Personal Name
2013 Bim Sus p
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Madiun